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Prismatic Vistas
Chandra and the Pinkertons
May 16, 2023
8 min to read
Dora explores recent current events involving Wizards of the Coast through the lens of their own fictional storytelling.
Breaking News
Contents of Kaladesh Remastered Revealed, Releases on 11/12
November 2, 2020
2 min to read
Much of the set has been revealed but there appear to be some cards missing from the card image gallery.
Kaladesh Remastered is Coming to MTG Arena in November
October 13, 2020
1 min to read
Wizards wanted to make an official announcement before data miners could find and unofficially publicize any information.
Kaladesh Remastered Will Come to MTG Arena by the End of 2020
September 15, 2020
2 min to read
Pioneer Masters, which was originally promised for 2020, will be delayed until 2021 as a result.
The Long Walk
Protection from Red: Gideon on Kaladesh
July 31, 2019
10 min to read
What Gideon could not say.
Drawing Live
The Speed of Limited
March 27, 2018
6 min to read
What can Dominaria’s mechanics tells us about the speed of its Limited format? Find out in this week’s Drawing Live.
Drawing Live
The Feeling of Hopelessness
February 13, 2018
6 min to read
This week, Zach delves into the worst feeling Magic: hopelessness. Why have been games felt hopeless, how is RoI culpable, and is this likely to change in the future?
Drawing Live
All Large Set Limited
February 6, 2018
6 min to read
Large set Limited will soon be the only way to draft. This should be cause for unconstrained rejoicing. Zach’s not so sure, but he explains why you should be cautiously optimistic.
Drawing Live
Perniciously Powerful Energy
November 7, 2017
6 min to read
Energy is the most powerful mechanic in Standard. Here’s why, and why Energy’s dominance was nearly unavoidable.
Scry Five
Gatewatch Era Retrospective—Kaladesh
September 1, 2017
8 min to read
Beck runs down the Gatewatch story from Kaladesh block.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Busy, Busy, Busy
April 19, 2017
3 min to read
Times are busy, busy, busy. Magic and life come at you fast. Carrie tells you how to stay on your feet.