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The Rapport
Teaching an Old Jund New Tricks
July 12, 2019
6 min to read
Good old Jund. Nothing beats Jund.
The Rapport
Modern is Back in Black
July 5, 2019
6 min to read
Some thoughtsies about Thoughtseize.
Drawing Live
Mono-Red Jund
June 5, 2018
7 min to read
Despite being public enemy number one, Goblin Chainwhirler has taken PT Dominaria and Standard by storm. Why is Red so good and why has it been so good for so long?
Kitchen Table Magic
Jund em Out with Keith Capstick
January 17, 2018
1 min to read
Sam interviews Keith Capstick about the *best* deck in Modern, Jund. Not biased at all here ppl.
Dear Azami
Pauper Battlebox—Jund
November 1, 2017
9 min to read
Levi designs a Jund deck to round out the metagame of his friends’ Pauper Battlebox!
Shattered Perceptions
Runeaxe Giants
August 24, 2017
6 min to read
Ryan takes a swing of the axe at Jund Giants featuring random old guy Commander Bartel Runeaxe.
Modern Hero
Week Nine Report
June 7, 2017
2 min to read
Shawn finalizes a white splash in Gb Elves for Modern Hero. Will it help him in this Modern League? Watch to find out.
Modern Hero
Week Eight Report
May 31, 2017
3 min to read
Shawn enlists a friend to help him become a Modern Hero. Check out the results in the videos.
Hope Eternal
These are a Few of My Favorite Things
March 25, 2016
3 min to read
This week Kate reflects on some of her old favorites and eternally hopes they find some love from the community.