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Jess Stirba
Command of Etiquette
Hands on Hilarity
November 12, 2013
8 min to read
Jess reviews how the different Commander 2013 decks play out of the box, and offers some preliminary suggestions on the different directions in which you can take them. She also gives a rundown of the loot in each deck, so that people can make an informed decision on what deck to buy.
Command of Etiquette
Something Old, Something New, Part 2
November 5, 2013
11 min to read
Jess takes us through the second half of the new and notable cards in Commander 2013, after giving her personal opinion on what decks a more casual player might want to initially buy.
Command of Etiquette
Something Old, Something New, Part 1
October 29, 2013
15 min to read
Jessica takes us through the new cards and notable reprints in Commander 2013. Part 1 covers white, blue, and black, while next week’s Part 2 will cover red, green, gold, and miscellaneous. There are some solid new cards, and a lot of great art to go along with it.
Command of Etiquette
Commanding Complexity
October 22, 2013
8 min to read
Jessica gives us a rundown on the new Generals being offered in Commander 2013. The verdict? Looking good, WotC!
Command of Etiquette
One Big Turn
October 15, 2013
4 min to read
Jessica debates the ethics of killing a player before they get off their one big turn, through the lens of an EDH game she played over the weekend. She also spends a few words talking about Commander 2013, about which she is excited.
Command of Etiquette
The Traitorous Tyrant
October 8, 2013
5 min to read
Jess walks us through a Sedris, the Traitor King decklist of her own making.
Command of Etiquette
Get in the Deck, Part Deux
October 1, 2013
5 min to read
Ulamog, Thalia, and Maelstrom Wanderer provide a few more angles to see what types of Theros cards will play well in the Commander/EDH format. Surprise! There are many that will do just fine.
Command of Etiquette
Get in the Deck, Part One
September 24, 2013
5 min to read
Let’s look at some of the good Commander cards in Theros by seeing what additions I’ve already made to my decks. Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Glissa the Traitor, and Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder have all joined the party, and next week even more of my decks will be packing some God-level heat.
Command of Etiquette
Gods Alive!
September 17, 2013
8 min to read
Theros is looking pretty good for a bunch of formats, but EDH in particular is making out well in this set.
Command of Etiquette
Pride in Contagion
August 27, 2013
4 min to read
I’ve figured out some ways to make a new EDH player feel comfortable and have the type of experience one would want to repeat.
Command of Etiquette
Flavor Wasted
August 20, 2013
3 min to read
I spent most of the weekend in a hole, playing through Bioshock Infinite. I know it’s not a new game, […]