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Drawing Live
The Speed of Limited
March 27, 2018
6 min to read
What can Dominaria’s mechanics tells us about the speed of its Limited format? Find out in this week’s Drawing Live.
Drawing Live
The Feeling of Hopelessness
February 13, 2018
6 min to read
This week, Zach delves into the worst feeling Magic: hopelessness. Why have been games felt hopeless, how is RoI culpable, and is this likely to change in the future?
Drawing Live
All Large Set Limited
February 6, 2018
6 min to read
Large set Limited will soon be the only way to draft. This should be cause for unconstrained rejoicing. Zach’s not so sure, but he explains why you should be cautiously optimistic.
What We Learned
Youth Defeats Experience at Grand Prix Indianapolis 2017
January 22, 2018
4 min to read
Grand Prix Indianapolis kicked off the Rivals of Ixalan season of competitive Magic this weekend. What did we learn about the new limited format and the new coverage format? We also check-in on the Pro Tour Team series!
What We Learned
Grand Prix Santa Clara and Closing Out the Ixalan Season
January 8, 2018
6 min to read
Grand Prix Santa Clara was the final event before Rivals of Ixalan goes live. Before you gear up for your RIX prereleases, take a look back on the 111 days of the Ixalan season of competitive Magic.
Scry Five
Choose Your Own Adventure: Ixalan Edition
December 8, 2017
6 min to read
We get to choose how the Ixalan story ends! Beck runs down the good and bad possibilities for each tribe.
None Shall Pass Bombs
What I Want from Rivals of Ixalan
December 6, 2017
5 min to read
Carrie looks at ways Rivals of Ixalan can improve the limited environment.
Drawing Live
Where Has All the Magic Gone?
November 28, 2017
5 min to read
Zach took a month off of Limited for the first time ever. What’s wrong with Magic and Ixalan?
The Magic Minute
Magic’s Black Friday Promotion: Ixalan Treasure Packs
November 8, 2017
2 min to read
Yesterday, Wizards of the Coast announced their very first Black Friday promotion.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Pro Tour Ixalan Draft Metagame
November 8, 2017
4 min to read
Carrie runs down the successful draft archetypes at Pro Tour Ixalan.
None Shall Pass Bombs
The End of Ixalan Draft?
October 31, 2017
4 min to read
Carrie reflects on Ixalan draft, her experience at Grand Prix Phoenix, and the upcoming Pro Tour down the road from her.