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Prismatic Vistas

Celebrating Pride With Original Magic Art

Dora sits down with the creators of the Kickstarter that will make playmats out of art from the Pride Across The Multiverse Secret Lair.

Prismatic Vistas

K. Arsenault Rivera Interview Part One, Writing March of the Machines

Dora sits down with K. Arsenault Rivera, the author of the March of the Machines storyline, now available online.

Hipsters Presents

Laughs and Gaming over Wins and Prestige–Interview with James Parsons of Sapphire City

Kyle brings us the insights of an owner of a unique small business.

Mirror Gallery

Behind the Brush: Dominik Mayer

Mayer walks through his creative process for six cards from The Brothers’ War: the five Commands plus Visions of Phyrexia.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.


A Brief Chat with Spellslingers Lead Designer Lukas Litzsinger

We catch up with one of Spellslingers’ Lead Designers ahead of next month’s expansion.

Cosplay of the Multiverse

School’s In Session for Silverquill—Interview with LadyLavinias

LadyLavinias walks through her process of creating her stunning Silverquill style.

Mirror Gallery

KristenEmily Crimson Vow Preview Card Kindly Ancestor—Justyna Gil Interview

A Double-faced preview warrants a double-effort feature. Kristen catches up with artist Justyna Gil.

Mirror Gallery

Behind the Brush: Alexandre Chaudret

The color pi is on full display in Chaudret’s new Secret Lair.

Romancing P3K

Designing Portal Three Kingdoms—An Interview with Henry Stern

Before we finish our chronicle of the story, hear from the designer of Portal Three Kingdoms, Henry Stern.

Hipsters Presents

Envisioning Forgotten Realms: An Interview with Andrew Veen

The Lead Vision Designer of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms talks creature selection, rope technique, and the Council of Colors.

Mirror Gallery

Behind the Brush: Ejiwa “Edge” Ebenebe

Edge discusses her artistic process and gives us a look at how she painted Ponder and Mother of Runes.