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Shattered Perceptions

Savannah Lions Through Time

Ryan taps two blue, exiles six cards from his graveyard, and casts Savannah Lions.


Spirit Rapping

Rob explores the nature of the spirit in Magic and broader culture.

Brew Corner

Past Times Revived—Togless

Do you remember the days gone by, when Togless Sultai Control ruled the legacy roost? Aaron does, and he updates it for the new era in a historical series starting today!

Drawing Live

The First Vehicles

Vehicles have been a part of Magic since Arabian Nights. Now that they’re official, let’s celebrate them by seeing how far they’ve come since Flying Carpet.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

What We Learned

Leap Year

This week, in honor of leap day, we take a look back at the past four years and how Magic has changed dramatically since February 29th 2012.

A Planeswalker's Guide to Earth

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Perpetuating Propaganda

Jess and Curtis respond with historical context to Travis Woo’s poisonous and misinformed discussion of Nazi propaganda during his recent Magic stream.

A Planeswalker's Guide to Earth

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Khalni Heart

“Even as the Eldrazi plagued the land, someone had uprooted the land’s soul and trapped it here to die. Who […]

A Planeswalker's Guide to Earth

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Hermitage

This week, we talk Nissa, Khalni Heart, and hermitages to the wilderness throughout history!

A Planeswalker's Guide to Earth

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Alliances

This week, we read about Drana’s alliance with the kor on Zendikar and other strange alliances throughout history!

A Planeswalker's Guide to Earth

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Pilgrimage

In this week’s Uncharted Realms, Jace and the Zendikar merfolk Jori En travel to the [casthaven]Eye of Ugin[/casthaven] to uncover […]

A Planeswalker's Guide to Earth

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Zendikar and the Maya P.2

This week, in preparation for the Battle for Zendikar, we continue to explore history and myth in the Mayan Yucatan!