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Historic and Digital Divergence
July 27, 2021
9 min to read
With 31 digital-only cards and three digital-only mechanics, Jumpstart: Historic Horizons rocks the boat more than the usual Arena announcement.
Heat Check: Historic Reanimator
May 31, 2021
5 min to read
Unburial Rites targeting Elesh Norn never gets old—it gets Historic!
Breaking News
Thassa’s Oracle Banned in Historic
May 19, 2021
4 min to read
The interaction between Thassa’s Oracle and Tainted Pact proved too powerful for the Historic format.
Phyrexian-Language Praetors Coming to MTG Arena and Secret Lair Drop
May 17, 2021
2 min to read
The card styles will be available on MTG Arena with the release of Historic Anthology 5 on May 27 and be a part of a future Secret Lair drop.
Strixly Speaking
May 3, 2021
6 min to read
Assessing a set that is neither the best nor the worst.
Arne Huschenbeth Wins the Kaldheim Championship
March 28, 2021
7 min to read
Huschenbeth played Dimir Rogues in Standard—specifically to prey on the popular Sultai Ultimatum decks—and Orzhov Auras in Historic.
Breaking News
Historic Anthology 4 Includes 25 Cards, Releases March 11 on MTG Arena
March 5, 2021
2 min to read
Highlights of the Anthology include Thraben Inspector, Spider Spawning, Blinkmoth Nexus, and Death’s Shadow.
Breaking News
Uro and Omnath Banned in Historic
February 15, 2021
4 min to read
Omnath was suspended last year, while Uro is skipping the suspended list and will be banned immediately.
Breaking News
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath Banned in Pioneer, Modern, and Historic
February 15, 2021
2 min to read
Wizards previewed the ban last week in a Secret Lair drop announcement.
Breaking News
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath to be Banned in Pioneer, Modern, and Historic
February 10, 2021
2 min to read
The official B&R update has not been finalized and Wizards is still considering banning the card in Legacy, as well.
Poised to Poison with Fynn, the Fangbearer
January 25, 2021
7 min to read
Fynn to get Historic with our new poison engine.