Tagged in
guilds of ravnica
Drawing Live
Surveil is Brilliant
September 18, 2018
6 min to read
Surveil seems weak, simple, and unexciting. That’s exactly what House Dimir *wants* you to think, because Surveil is actually outstanding design.
Eternal Durdles
Guilds of Ravnica Spoilers, Part 1
September 17, 2018
2 min to read
Nathan Phil and Zac look at the first week’s offerings from Guilds of Ravnica and apply their knowledge to what will work for Legacy.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Early Look at Guilds of Ravnica Limited Spoilers
September 12, 2018
6 min to read
Carrie has your early looks at Limited cards for Guilds of Ravnica spoiler season.
Drawing Live
Mythic Edition is the Missing Masters Set
September 11, 2018
8 min to read
Much has been said of whether Guilds of Ravnica Mythic Edition should exist, but today, let’s talk about *why* it exists.
City Planning
September 10, 2018
7 min to read
Rob composes some decks in the key of Ravnica.
Dear Azami
Ravnica: an Early Commander Review
September 5, 2018
6 min to read
Levi reviews the early Guilds of Ravnica spoilers with an eye for Commander.
Drawing Live
The Mechanics of Guilds of Ravnica
September 4, 2018
7 min to read
Guilds of Ravnica has five mechanics, four of which are brand new and three of those are quite familiar. Zach’s here to review all five!
Drawing Live
Ribbons of Night Rocks!
August 28, 2018
5 min to read
Some folks have pet cube cards, and for Zach, it’s Ribbons of Night. It’s not good enough for Legacy Cube, but in the right place, it can be just perfect.
Drawing Live
Winds of Change
June 12, 2018
6 min to read
Zach reviews the past year of Magic. What’s working? What’s been lackluster? How good or bad has it been? And most importantly, what does it suggest about the future?
Scry Five
All Roads Lead To Ravnica
May 18, 2018
6 min to read
Beck breaks down the big news from Wizards’ Announcement Day: we are re-returning to Ravnica!