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Delirium Pioneering
November 4, 2019
5 min to read
Early rumbling from the Golgari depths.
Nova's Playbook
Revisiting Golgari Depths in Legacy
July 10, 2019
6 min to read
Dilks on Dark Depths.
Grinding It Out
Going Back to Green-Black in Cleveland
April 10, 2019
7 min to read
Ally rocks Cleveland.
Shattered Perceptions
Iname as One
February 21, 2019
8 min to read
Going going back back to Kamigawa.
Shattered Perceptions
Ravnica Month—Izoni
December 20, 2018
7 min to read
Ryan wraps up Ravnica month by going deep into the Golgari general Izoni, Thousand-Eyed.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Drafting Golgari
October 24, 2018
5 min to read
Carrie drafts Golgari in Guilds of Ravnica and wins!
Standard Eyes
Golgari Rocks Standard
October 17, 2018
6 min to read
Daniel breaks down the Golgari dominance in Standard last weekend, and specifically the addition of Doom Whisperer.
Drawing Live
The Golgari Conundrum
October 16, 2018
6 min to read
Yet again, the Golgari are powerful in Constructed but constrained in Limited. Today, let’s investigate why this might necessarily be the case.
Standard Eyes
Week One Standard Winners and Losers
October 10, 2018
5 min to read
Daniel breaks down the week one Standard metagame, along with winners and losers.
Drawing Live
The Mechanics of Guilds of Ravnica
September 4, 2018
7 min to read
Guilds of Ravnica has five mechanics, four of which are brand new and three of those are quite familiar. Zach’s here to review all five!
Dear Azami
Crafting a Deck’s Identity: Slimefoot, the Stowaway
July 11, 2018
8 min to read
Levi delves into his process for creating a Slimefoot, the Stowaway Commander deck.