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game design
Drawing Live
Executing the Design of Eldritch Moon
June 21, 2016
5 min to read
We finally know the big bad of Eldritch Moon. This character creates some enormous design challenges. Zach tells us what Eldritch Moon will need to address.
Drawing Live
An Ode to Man-o’-War
June 7, 2016
8 min to read
Zach sings a song of praise to the greatest blue creature of all time: Man-o’-War.
Drawing Live
Game Design
March 15, 2016
3 min to read
Zach’s off in San Francisco for Game Developers Conference. He’s following his dream and encourages you all to do the same.
Drawing Live
The Mechanics of Oath of the Gatewatch
December 29, 2015
5 min to read
All of Oath of the Gatewatch’s mechanics have been spoiled, and we’ve got the lowdown on all of them: what they can do, what past mechanics they resemble, and what we can expect of their cards.
Drawing Live
Wastes Land
November 24, 2015
5 min to read
Zach examines some recently-leaked potential Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers, including a land called Wastes.