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Magic and Meaning

Religion and Horror in the Season of the Witch

What’s going on with the witches of Magic?

What We Learned

WESG 2017 Will Add Female Competitors to their Events, Should Wizards do the Same for the Pro Tour?

The big eSports announcement this week is that the WESG 2017 circuit will allow female competitors in their own CS:GO and Hearthstone brackets

What We Learned

Your 2017-18 Pro Tour Teams

We take a look at the recently announced Pro Tour teams and talk about what we’re looking forward to and what we’re disappointed by.

What We Learned


This week Rich replies to a recent Vice article about Magic’s problems with gender representation

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Command of Etiquette

An Invisible Woman

Jess talks about that great SCG article on women in Magic, and her emotional response to it.

What We Learned


This week we take a look at the representation of genders and ethnic groups among the designers and developers of Magic the Gathering.