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Eldritch Moon
None Shall Pass Bombs
Why Eldritch Moon Sealed is Great
August 18, 2016
6 min to read
Carrie explains why Eldritch Moon sealed is so great. Hint: it’s the uncommons.
None Shall Pass Bombs
I am Curious Red
August 4, 2016
5 min to read
Carrie looks at drafting red in Eldritch Moon and picking up 1/2 creatures.
Arting Around
Top 5 Eldritch Moon Tokens
August 3, 2016
2 min to read
Matt crowns the top five tokens from Eldritch Moon.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Eldritch Moon Sealed is Great
July 28, 2016
8 min to read
Carrie finished second and eleventh in two weekend Eldritch Moon sealed PPTQs. Get her insight before Grand Prix Montreal, Stockholm, and Sydney.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Shooting the Moon
July 21, 2016
5 min to read
Carrie had good old Dimir fun at the Eldritch Moon prerelease.
Grinding It Out
Eldritch Moon Instants, Flash, and Madness Spells
July 15, 2016
2 min to read
Monique is back with her nifty table of Instants, Flash, and Madness Spells. Brush up on Eldritch Moon combat tricks and other instant speed spells just in time for the prerelease.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Limited Gems of Eldritch Moon
July 14, 2016
4 min to read
Carrie helps you get ready for the Eldritch Moon prerelease with some Limited gems from the new set.
Arting Around
The Blur of Eldritch Moon
July 13, 2016
2 min to read
Matt Jones scientifically investigates the art of Eldritch Moon.
Brew Corner
Spoilers in Legacy Brews!
July 12, 2016
7 min to read
This week Aaron revisits a couple older brews as well as an old favorite to discuss some new additions with the release of Eldritch Moon spoilers.
From the Sideboard
The Design of Emrakul
June 22, 2016
4 min to read
So, how good is the new Emrakul? How does she line up with her previous incarnation, and why is she a better or worse design?
Drawing Live
Executing the Design of Eldritch Moon
June 21, 2016
5 min to read
We finally know the big bad of Eldritch Moon. This character creates some enormous design challenges. Zach tells us what Eldritch Moon will need to address.