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The Modern Age
Playing Against Tron
October 27, 2017
7 min to read
Carrie continues her survey of the Modern metagame with some advice on how to play against Tron.
Shattered Perceptions
Prime Speaker Eldrazi
July 13, 2017
7 min to read
Ryan has some fun Dollar-Drazi ideas that Simic like a lot of fun: Prime Speaker Eldrazi Dollar General.
Dear Azami
How to do Eldrazi Right
June 14, 2017
7 min to read
Levi digs into why the Eldrazi are such difficult villians to write into the Magic story.
Shattered Perceptions
Goblin Science Fair
June 1, 2017
10 min to read
Ryan has a personal favorite this week—a goblin science fair featuring Shattergang Brothers.
Dear Azami
Night of the Noodles
April 5, 2017
12 min to read
This week in Dear Azami, Levi upgrades an Eldrazi tribal deck built around Vela, the Night-Clad.
Dear Azami
The Retcons of Revane
March 22, 2017
8 min to read
Levi begins a two-part dive into the complicated backstory of Nissa Revane. If you love Magic lore, don’t miss this one!
52 in 52
In the Teeth of Akoum
December 18, 2016
5 min to read
Rich reviews the worst Magic: the Gathering novel ever written.
From the Sideboard
The Design of Emrakul
June 22, 2016
4 min to read
So, how good is the new Emrakul? How does she line up with her previous incarnation, and why is she a better or worse design?
Drawing Live
Executing the Design of Eldritch Moon
June 21, 2016
5 min to read
We finally know the big bad of Eldritch Moon. This character creates some enormous design challenges. Zach tells us what Eldritch Moon will need to address.
Hope Eternal
Modern Shake-ups
April 8, 2016
3 min to read
This week Kate discusses the Modern bannings and unbannings.
Bringing to Light
Ending Eldrazi Winter
March 11, 2016
5 min to read
Lexie examines potential changes to the Modern ban list to end Eldrazi Winter.