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What We Learned

The MagicCon Chicago 2025 Recap

Rich returns from MagicCon Chicago with a renewed energy and passion for returning to content publishing.

Around the Multiverse

An Overview of the Economics of Magic Content in 2024

How does Magic content get made? Just like how human babies get made, it isn’t cheap. Rich’s new column takes a high level look.

Drawing Live

Design of a Card: Experimental Augury

Zach breaks down the design of this Phyrexian Anticipate/Impulse variant and dives into the value of proliferating.

Mirror Gallery

Mirror Gallery Reflection 2022

Donny takes a break for this reflection on the past year of his life in the Magic art world.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

What We Learned

Is The Pandemic Over (For Magic: The Gathering)?

Rich tackles the question of whether or not the Covid-19 Pandemic is truly over for the Magic community or not.


Was Gerry Thompson Overpaid by Star City Games?

Ask yourself this: how much money do you think Star City Games made off of Gerry’s work?

Drawing Live

The State of Magic in 2021

Magic got a lot right this past year and made a fair amount of mistakes.

What We Learned

Should Historic be an Esports Format?

What does it mean for Historic to be featured for Mythic Invitational Zendikar Rising’s first qualifier weekend?


Proxy War: Who Really Wins & Loses When Proxying Cards?

Kristen takes us through the pros and cons of using proxy cards.

Drawing Live

This Product Is Not For You

Musing on life inside and outside the target audience.

What We Learned

Six Years and Six Lessons for Writing About Magic the Gathering

Rich has learned a few things after writing about Magic for six years. Good lord that’s a long time.