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Shattered Perceptions

Cats & Ironman Dollar General

Ryan looks at our new cat overlords from C17 and recaps the Ironman Dollar General match of the weekend at Grand Prix Minneapolis.

Dear Azami

Commander 2017 Reaction

Levi reviews the first wave of Commander 2017 spoilers.

Shattered Perceptions

Yasova, Pack Leader

Ryan howls at the moon with a new wolf-themed Commander list built around Yasova Dragonclaw.

Dear Azami

A Cage of Feathers

Levi rebuilds a theme deck build around the feathered friends who inhabit Evos Isle.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Shattered Perceptions

Author Seeking Mono White General

Ryan searches for a mono white Dollar General. What he finds may surprise you!

Shattered Perceptions

Exava, Show Stopper

Ryan continues to explore 1DH a.k.a. Dollar General with a hasty Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch list.

Shattered Perceptions

Prime Speaker Eldrazi

Ryan has some fun Dollar-Drazi ideas that Simic like a lot of fun: Prime Speaker Eldrazi Dollar General.

Dear Azami

Iroas Aggro is Bad, Right?

Levi takes a look at an aggressive Boros Commander deck based around Iroas, God of War.

Shattered Perceptions

Zhou Yu, Lost at Sea

Ryan offers up a super-obscure blue general for solely patriotic purposes.

Shattered Perceptions

Adriana, Captain of the Samurai

Ryans walks through his ultimate Samurai warrior deck.

Dear Azami

Scion of the Ur-Dragon

In this week’s Dear Azami, Levi soups up a Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck.