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Grinding It Out

Exploring Theros Draft: UB Tempo

It’s been almost two weeks since Theros launched and boy is it getting a lot of praise. Most of the […]

Developments in Durdling

Developements in Durdling—First Impressions

Zac updates Esper Control in Preparation for Sunday’s GPT.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Make Mine a Double

Welcome back! If you like sweet draft decks, then this Modern Masters one is for you.


Modern Masters Punt Practice

This past Saturday I got a chance to participate in an awesome Modern Masters draft at 20 Sided Store.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Draftasaurus Rex

Hugh’s PTQs (One of Ten)

My goal for this Limited PTQ season is to attend a minimum of ten PTQs. Here goes!


The O’Hara Doctrine

How do you actually build a Limited deck? You should have a plan.



Lately everybody’s been ragging on core set. But there’s no better arena in which to reinforce Magic’s fundamentals.


One Point of Damage

Have you ever lost a game of Magic when your opponent is at one life?

Grinding It Out

Overweight Feline

I apprehensively enter the belly of the overweight feline, feeling my way thought the dark staircase with bated breath.

Developments in Durdling

Running on Empty

If I told you over the last two weeks that was 13-13-1. You’d probably cringe. Well that’s what I’m telling […]

Drawing Live

Flashback Draft: Time Spiral

Welcome to October, 2006. The school year is begun, the Nintendo Wii releases in a month, and Paul McCartney is 64 years old. Time Spiral has just come out.