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Power and Toughness
Phoning It In: Part One
December 30, 2013
3 min to read
The Obliterator barely gets through 500 words this week, the Holidays have eaten his Magical soul.
Scrub Report
The Christmas Cube
December 20, 2013
6 min to read
Tony tackles Magic Online’s 2013 Holiday Cube and learns some valuable lessons about green cards and mana.
What We Learned
Commander, Cube, and Mike Tyson (Aug. 19)
August 19, 2013
6 min to read
What happens when you design a game and people start playing it a little differently? This is what happened to Wizards of the Coast and Magic the Gathering in the mid 2000’s. We’ll take a look at the rise of Commander and Cube and look at it in the context of a Mike Tyson quote.
Command of Etiquette
M14 for Pauper Cube
August 6, 2013
4 min to read
There are a few commons and uncommons in M14 that are good enough/interesting enough to see play in Commander. Like, […]
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—Un-believable
August 1, 2013
5 min to read
Hello cubers! Welcome back to Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx. In this week’s article, I’m going to be talking about […]
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—Dat MODO Tho
July 25, 2013
2 min to read
In this week’s exciting episode of Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx, I decided to post three recent punted MODO cube drafts.
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—M14: Jitte or Shitte?
July 18, 2013
7 min to read
The new M14 set is here, and with the pre-release behind us it’s time to shove some of those fresh pulls into our cubes.
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—The First Cut Is the Deepest
July 11, 2013
4 min to read
With M14 around the corner, it is time to talk about one of the toughest things that Cube owners have to do on a regular basis: Cutting.
Command of Etiquette
No Need to Rush
July 9, 2013
6 min to read
M14 got spoiled the other night, and boy, does it look… something. See, I am trying something new this season, and the fact that M14 is initially somewhat underwhelming should make it easier for me.
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—I’ve Got the Power
July 4, 2013
5 min to read
Since the introduction of the Cube format, players have been creating and tweaking lists of their own. One of the most common—and controversial—ways that Cubes differ from one another is the inclusion of “power.”
Only Built 4 Cubin' Lynx
Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—Aggro Culture
June 27, 2013
8 min to read
In this article I’ll dive into the intricacies of building a successful aggro deck and section in your Cube, and highlight some of my favorite cards for the archetype.