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Ensnaring Cambridge
Wolfpack Invitational Report **1st**, Part Two
March 11, 2015
10 min to read
Shawn continues his report on taking down the first ever Wolfpack Invitational, a cube-a-thon for the ages.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Wolfpack Invitational Report **1st**, Part One
March 4, 2015
8 min to read
Shawn talks about taking down the first ever Wolfpack Invitational, a cube-a-thon for the ages.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Pauper Cube and the Wolfpack Invitational
February 25, 2015
6 min to read
Shawn continues his cube review for the upcoming “Wolfpack Invitational”. This time he interviews himself about the pauper cube.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Ravnica Cube and The Wolfpack Invitational
February 20, 2015
5 min to read
Shawn discusses his brother’s Ravnica themed cube and the upcoming “Wolpack Invitational”.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Traversing Snow-Covered Lands
January 28, 2015
5 min to read
Shawn extols the virtues of snow-covered lands while snowed in at his apartment.
Command of Etiquette
Conspiracy in the Pauper Cube
July 8, 2014
14 min to read
Jess talks Conspiracy updates in her Pauper cube, and explain why there’s lag in this feature.
Command of Etiquette
Changing Up The Poor Old Cube
June 3, 2014
9 min to read
Jess goes over the changes she made to her pauper cube in the wake of Journey Into Nyx.
Hope Eternal
Let’s Try a Couple New Decks!
April 3, 2014
8 min to read
Tim gives his first impressions of playing a couple different tier one archetypes in Modern and Legacy.
Command of Etiquette
Pauper Cubin’, Part Two: Themecide
March 4, 2014
9 min to read
Jess gets into what Born of the Gods added to her Pauper Cube, and cuts a much-loved theme.
Command of Etiquette
Pauper Cubin’, Part One
February 25, 2014
8 min to read
Jess goes deep into her Pauper Cube, setting up next week’s BNG update post.
Hope Eternal
Legacy Expectations for Born of the Gods
January 16, 2014
7 min to read
A new set is upon us. Can we expect many goodies for Legacy?