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Competitive Play
Scrub Report
Worms in the Apple, Ugin, and Looking Ahead
July 3, 2015
5 min to read
In her final article for Scrub Report, Kairi talks about playing competitively, dealing with unpleasant members of the community, and crushing her foes with Ugin.
Counting to 20
Beating Your Nemesis
January 30, 2015
3 min to read
What is it about that one player that makes it so hard for you to win, and how do you overcome them?
Standard Deviation
The Dangers of the 0-2 Drop
October 2, 2014
4 min to read
New Indiana-based Hipsters columnist Duncan Martin talks about taking the easy—and unrewarding—way out in a Magic tournament.
Counting to 20
Kill Your Darlings
September 5, 2014
4 min to read
GCB learns a valuable lesson about control vs aggro, thanks to a savage beating administered by Smirkin’ Steve Sadin.
Counting to 20
The Other Black Deck
August 29, 2014
9 min to read
Introducing Hipsters’ newest author, Portland’s Gabe Carleton-Barnes, and his 20 reasons to play Mono-Black Aggro!
Grinding It Out
Stop Being So Damn Hard On Yourself!
June 18, 2014
3 min to read
Monique addresses low self-esteem in Magic.
I For One Welcome Our New No-Bye Overlords!
January 17, 2014
4 min to read
Hunter gets bummed when he realizes he has no byes for GP Montreal—or is he?
Grinding It Out
Taking the Competitive Route
August 14, 2013
3 min to read
It was just about two years ago that I stumbled upon Twenty Sided Store in Williamsburg Brooklyn and it’s been […]
Grinding It Out
“To Be [Competitive], or Not to Be”
July 17, 2013
5 min to read
It’s easy for me to enter any event with my competitive mentality turned all the way up. So at this past weekend’s M14 prerelease, I decided to try to turn it down a notch.
Grinding It Out
My Little Secret
July 3, 2013
5 min to read
“Hey evil feature match fear monster, why do you keep following me?” I asked. “Because you keep calling me,” it responded.
What We Learned
Two Scoops (June 17)
June 17, 2013
5 min to read
This week Rich takes a look at a recent community discussion about conceding (scooping) to your opponent in an important round of a tournament and the dilemma posed when asking for or asked for a concession. As always Rich also runs through last week’s community news, reviews the latest Wallpaper of the Week, and looks to the coming seven days.