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Command of Etiquette

Building a Better Manabase, Part Two

Jess talks about the in-between manabases in Commander. Two- and three-color manabases need EDH love too!

Command of Etiquette

Building a Better Manabase, Part One

Jess writes about manabases in Commander, because she’s gotten fed up with lists that include fetchlands and old-school duals.

Command of Etiquette

The Why of Tokens

Jess examines what we get when we choose a token general. Then she looks at one of her own token decks, Ghave, Guru of Spores, and talks exponential math with Doubling Season and newcomer Primal Vigor.

Command of Etiquette

Commander 2013 in Review

Jess finally finishes up her overview of the Commander 2013 products, in part ten of her ten article cycle. The EDH player in her heart was a fan, although she knocked off half a grade for the weird economics of the set. A-, would buy again!

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Command of Etiquette

Good Grief!

Jessica comes to the final of the five Commander 2013 decks: Jeleva, Nephalia’s Scourge, who has been chucked in favor of Nekusar, the Mindrazer. Nekusar is aces in EDH! Choke on it!

Command of Etiquette

Gifts for the Commander Player in Your Life

Jess talks presents for the Commander player you love, like, or anyone else to whom you feel obligated to give a gift. So here are ten suggested presents, ranging from under $10 to $35, with two much pricier, but still vaguely affordable, outliers.

Command of Etiquette

Fun Vacuum

Jess tries to make Marath, Will of the Wild into her own deck. She succeeds on that front, but it’s not all that fun to play. One might even say it’s an ordeal.

Command of Etiquette

Oloro’s Lifegain Is a Pain

Jess talks Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, including her current decklist. Also, there’s a long digression on that “Ten Commandments of Commander” idiocy. Guess what she thinks of it!

Command of Etiquette

Prossh, Skyraider of Inevitability

Jess talks about Prossh, Skyraider of Kher in this installment of her Commander 2013 rundown. These decks should all be fairly strong pickups should you find one of them in the wild. They’re all really good, and of them Prossh is in competition for the most powerful of the lot.

Command of Etiquette

Wondertwin Powers, Activate!

Jess expresses her love for Derevi, Empyrial Tactician and Baleful Force. There’s a modified decklist and even a recap of a game against Oloro, the Ascetic! Magic the Gathering, woo!

Command of Etiquette

Hands on Hilarity

Jess reviews how the different Commander 2013 decks play out of the box, and offers some preliminary suggestions on the different directions in which you can take them. She also gives a rundown of the loot in each deck, so that people can make an informed decision on what deck to buy.