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Shattered Perceptions

Taigam, Sidisi’s Dollar General

Ryan revisits Dollar General and the Taigam, Sidisi’s Hand deck he drew for the 1DH extravaganza at Grand Prix Minneapolis.

Shattered Perceptions

Nahiri Rebels

Ryan takes the Nahiri Lightsaber challenge and brews up a fun Rebels Commander deck.

Mirror Gallery

Choosing Commander Art

The Mirror Gallery gets practical as Donny explains how he chooses the card art for his Grenzo Commander deck.

Dear Azami

Ravnica: an Early Commander Review

Levi reviews the early Guilds of Ravnica spoilers with an eye for Commander.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Shattered Perceptions

Commander Year in Review

Ryan reviews the new hits for Commander released over the last year.

Shattered Perceptions

Five-Color Brudiclad

Ryan builds a Commander deck around Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer, and then hides it inside his library.

Shattered Perceptions

Can Ninja Work?

Ryan wants ninja to make their mark on Commander.

Shattered Perceptions

Arcades Reconsidered

Ryan reevaluates what you can do in Commander with Arcades, the Strategist.

Shattered Perceptions

Last Weekend in Minneapolis

Ryan reports from the Commander tables in and around Grand Prix Minneapolis.

Shattered Perceptions

Commander 2018, Part II

Hello again and welcome to the second part of my look into the marquee generals of Commander 2018. Like yesterday, […]

Shattered Perceptions

Commander 2018, Part I

Ryan reacts to the Commander 2018 planeswalker generals.