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Shattered Perceptions

Cyberpunk Flying Crane Kicks

Reconfigure joins forces with Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest to dominate the new technological age.


Counter Them Softly in Commander

Pick the counterspells that foster friendship around the table.

Shattered Perceptions

Making an Entrance with Alena and Halana

Alena and Halana partner in Commander to bring the beatdown to your table.

Shattered Perceptions

2021 Commander Cards For My Decks

Ryan looks forward to playing with these now-year-old cards in the months to come!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Shattered Perceptions

The Road to Kamigawa—Higure the Unblockable

Block or don’t block: there is no good answer against these mono-blue ninja.

Shattered Perceptions

The Road to Kamigawa—Kataki, Tax Collector

Now all of your mana rocks require their own mana.

Shattered Perceptions

The Road to Kamigawa—Snakes on a Plane with Seshiro

Prepare to return to Kamigawa, home of Seshiro, starring midrange snakes with tapdown hurricanes.

Shattered Perceptions

The Road to Kamigawa—Fumiko, a War Waged

Red mages have friends in lowblooded places. Put on your turning-creatures-sideways shoes and saddle up!


Gunk Science with Toxrill, the Slug Machine

Slime’s a wasting to ruin your Commander playgroup’s day with Gunk Slug and friends.

Shattered Perceptions

The Road to Kamigawa—Toshiro Umezawa

With Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty right around the corner, Ryan reviews his favorite Commanders from our first visit to the plane.

Mirror Gallery

Choosing Commander Art—Zirda, the Dawnwaker

Building Zirda, the Dawnwaker in Commander with an eye toward excellence in artistry.