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Breaking News
Yuuya Watanabe Suspended for 30 Months, Removed from Magic Pro League and Hall of Fame
May 9, 2019
3 min to read
He was disqualified from MCII for marked cards.
What We Learned
Steve Locke Takes Down GP Phoenix with Modern Humans, but Let’s Talk About Cheating
March 19, 2018
5 min to read
Modern was in the spotlight in Phoenix but let’s talk about cheating instead.
Counting to 20
May 15, 2015
5 min to read
A dramatic final to a PTQ turns into a dramatic judge call, as evidence points to foul play. But is it conclusive?
Drawing Live
How to Address Cheating
November 11, 2014
5 min to read
We all know that cheating is bad. The question is, how do we appropriately and communally respond to it? Zach’s got a story.
Counting to 20
Beating the Cheats
October 31, 2014
5 min to read
What the rest of us can do about cheating in competitive Magic.
What We Learned
Underground Dojo Keyboard Cagefighters
October 27, 2014
6 min to read
This week we take a look at the way the community feels about cheating and also recap Eternal Weekend 2014
None Shall Pass Bombs
Grand Prix Sacramento, Part Two
January 30, 2014
16 min to read
Carrie finishes her report from Grand Prix Sacramento, recapping the drafts, games, and painful lessons learned.