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Casual Commander
Casual Black Magic
Goldberry, River-Daughter in Commander
July 28, 2023
8 min to read
Sam is here with an engaging take on removing counters in monoblue, thanks to the unique design space of Goldberry.
Lowry Muses
Why Do Planeswalkers Suck in Commander?
July 21, 2023
3 min to read
Magic’s main characters don’t have much of a home in the most popular way to play. Lowry is here to discuss why.
Casual Black Magic
The One Ring is a Problem in Commander
July 14, 2023
8 min to read
Sam looks at the presence of The One Ring in the format, and what we can learn from it’s design for multiplayer.
Lowry Muses
A Re-Review: Anje Falkenrath
July 14, 2023
3 min to read
Lowry looks at their go-to cEDH deck, and theorizes how it might be retooled to work at casual tables.
Lowry Muses
Four Interaction Spells You Should Probably Be Playing in EDH
June 9, 2023
3 min to read
You should be running more interaction, and Lowry is here to discuss some notable contenders for your next deck.
Commander Corner
Commander Corner Highlight: Rankle and Torbran
June 7, 2023
9 min to read
Treasure tokens, sacrificing creatures, damage amplification, all on one card? Luka takes us on a tour through a dynamic build of this duo.
Commander Corner
Commander Corner Highlight: Rona, Herald of Invasion
May 24, 2023
8 min to read
Luka is here to talk about a potent new Dimir commander from March of the Machine, at the helm of a reanimator shell.
Lowry Muses
The Plight of Stone Rain
May 5, 2023
3 min to read
Lowry looks at land destruction in Commander, and how we might be able to better accept it in the format ecosystem.
Casual Black Magic
The Trap of Rational Deckbuilding in Commander
April 21, 2023
7 min to read
Sam analyzes some common deck building challenges in casual commander, since brewing isn’t as straightforward as it looks.
Commander Corner
Commander Corner Original: Rigo, Streetwise Mentor
March 22, 2023
9 min to read
One-drop creatures, shield counters, and a return of the Shadow mechanic? Luka takes us through a Bant deck which draws a ton of cards.
Lowry Muses
The Primeval Titan Conundrum
March 17, 2023
3 min to read
Lorwy grapples with one of the oldest bans on the Commander ban list, asking the question of if it still needs to be there.