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card evaluation
Lowry Muses
A Re-Review: Anje Falkenrath
July 14, 2023
3 min to read
Lowry looks at their go-to cEDH deck, and theorizes how it might be retooled to work at casual tables.
Drawing Live
Design of a Card: Professor Onyx
March 23, 2021
7 min to read
Strixhaven preview season preempted itself with one of the most unusual Lilianas ever. Dive into the design of Professor Onyx.
Magical Hack
How to Assess Potential Cube Cards, Featuring Woe Strider
January 10, 2020
6 min to read
Use these principles to evaluate new cards to add to your cube during spoiler season.
Leveling Up
Adding War of the Spark to Standard
May 3, 2019
4 min to read
How should you approach the first week of a new set in an existing Standard format?
Drawing Live
Every War of the Spark Common Review, Part 2
April 25, 2019
23 min to read
We conclude our review of every common in War of the Spark with red, green, colorless, and the a full review of the colors!
Shattered Perceptions
Commander Card Evaluation
February 7, 2019
9 min to read
How do you judge new cards for Commander?
Drawing Live
Guilds of Ravnica Common Tricks and Removal
September 25, 2018
15 min to read
Prerelease is this weekend! Wanna know every single common removal spell, combat trick, and way of pushing through damage and how it all stacks up? Come right in!
Drawing Live
Ixalan at a Glance: Pirate’s Cutlass and Grim Captain’s Call
September 26, 2017
4 min to read
Sometimes, prereleases are defined by unassuming, unexpected powerhouses. Here are two such cards you need to know about: Pirate’s Cutlass and Grim Captain’s Call?!
Drawing Live
Design of a Card: Aerial Guide
July 18, 2017
5 min to read
Aerial Guide is the greatest Wind Drake ever seen. Zach tells you why it still isn’t overpowered, and what kind of designs can we expect going forward.
Drawing Live
Mean, Green, Limited Dream
July 4, 2017
5 min to read
Hidden in the Hour of Devastation spoiler are three powerful green Limited cards. Here’s why you should be excited for Ambuscade, Overcome, and Bitterbow Sharpshooters.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Overs and Unders
December 22, 2016
9 min to read
Carrie breaks down his five most over and under rated cards in Kaladesh draft.