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Modern Hero
Breaching out of Contention
November 16, 2017
6 min to read
Shawn reports back after breaching through his Modern RPTQ.
Ensnaring Cambridge
UW Heroic
October 15, 2014
8 min to read
Shawn runs a Theros-centric UW Heroic deck through a local Standard tournament. Will he Defiantly Strike out or find favor with the gods? Read on to find out.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Kiki Control and Tuesday Night Modern
May 22, 2014
8 min to read
After an extended break from weekly events, Shawn runs Kiki-Control through Tuesday Night Modern. The photos, in-game analysis, and sideboarding guides are back.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Bant Auras, Week Two (with Theros Talk and Speculation, Too)
September 11, 2013
14 min to read
For me, a guy who writes a weekly tournament report, it is a weird time to be playing Standard.