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Brew Corner
BW Hatebears
December 2, 2015
7 min to read
Aaron is back with a new brew. This time he’s taking on the Modern metagame with his version of BW Hatebears.
Ensnaring Cambridge
The Case for Black-White in M15 Limited
August 20, 2014
7 min to read
Shawn examines Black-White Aggro as a potential archetype for M15 Limited.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Orzhov Control
February 19, 2014
9 min to read
With Born of the Gods finally legal, Shawn runs Orzhov Control through a Standard Tournament. Is Blood Baron enough to take down the Mono Black Devotion menace? Bile Blight; great removal spell or greatest removal spell? Read on to find out.
Ensnaring Cambridge
Orzhov Aggro
January 29, 2014
10 min to read
This week Shawn rekindles his interest in Standard by running Orzhov Aggro through a weekly tournament.