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Casual Black Magic
My Take on Blue Farm in cEDH
September 22, 2023
9 min to read
Sam takes a look at the most popular deck in cEDH, and analyzes how they might do things differently.
Leveling Up
Adding War of the Spark to Standard
May 3, 2019
4 min to read
How should you approach the first week of a new set in an existing Standard format?
Drawing Live
Modern Control, As Foretold
April 11, 2017
5 min to read
As Foretold, combined with Ancestral Vision, might be one of the most exciting things to happen to Modern blue decks in a long while. Zach breaks down all you need to know about the new, mythic enchantment.
Brew Corner
Shardless Pox
November 18, 2015
5 min to read
Guest writer Aaron Gazzaniga shares his fresh Legacy brew, Shardless Pox, a new take on an old classic.
Hope Eternal
The (un)Funnest Card in Magic
August 8, 2013
8 min to read
The year was 1996. Our classes were winding down, and summer was right around the corner. Having started slinging spells around […]