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Casual Black Magic
Building Blue Decks in Pauper EDH: The Case For Banning Peregrine Drake
March 24, 2023
8 min to read
Sam discusses the massive value of the infamous Pauper combo piece, and how it informs deckbuilding decisions for the other 99 cards.
Lowry Muses
The Primeval Titan Conundrum
March 17, 2023
3 min to read
Lorwy grapples with one of the oldest bans on the Commander ban list, asking the question of if it still needs to be there.
Rebalancing the Way Wizards Bans Cards with Digital Errata
October 18, 2021
8 min to read
Magic has its first digital-only card rebalancing. What does it mean for the future?
Breaking News
Fall From Favor Banned in Pauper
January 14, 2021
2 min to read
Fall from Favor was added to the Pauper format with the release of Commander Legends in November.
Breaking News
Arcum’s Astrolabe Banned in Modern
July 13, 2020
3 min to read
The card provided too much consistency to decks at too little cost, resulting in “unhealthy and unsustainable” win rates.
Breaking News
Nexus of Fate Banned in Historic, Burning-Tree Emissary Suspended
July 13, 2020
6 min to read
Bant Nexus and Gruul Aggro make up 35% of the Historic metagame and are played more than three times as much as their closest competition.
Breaking News
Expedition Map and Mystic Sanctuary Banned in Pauper
July 13, 2020
4 min to read
Both cards contributed to repetitive loops that locked opponents out of the game.
Breaking News
Oath of Nissa Unbanned in Pioneer
July 13, 2020
3 min to read
It was one of the first cards banned in Pioneer when the format was less than two weeks old—but Pioneer has changed dramatically since then.
Drawing Live
Magic’s New Normal: Four Bans a Year
June 2, 2020
9 min to read
Four Standard bannings a year is somehow the new normal. How did we get here, and what can we expect going forward?
Breaking News
Lurrus of the Dream-Den Banned in Legacy and Vintage, Zirda, the Dawnwaker Banned in Legacy
May 18, 2020
7 min to read
Two of the ten companions from Ikoria have now been banned in at least one format.
Breaking News
Drannith Magistrate and Winota, Joiner of Forces Banned in Brawl
May 18, 2020
3 min to read
Winota decks are reducing the format’s diversity while Drannith Magistrate prevents Commanders from even being played.