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Mirror Gallery
Choosing Commander Art: Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden
November 2, 2023
13 min to read
How do you pick the art for your card choices? Donny takes a deep dive on the options you could find with Jor Kadeen.
Shattered Perceptions
Turn Up the Beatdown: Ajani Vengeant in Oathbreaker
August 31, 2023
7 min to read
Ryan looks at using the goad mechanic for a red-white control deck in Oathbreaker.
Shattered Perceptions
2021 Commander Cards For My Decks
January 20, 2022
9 min to read
Ryan looks forward to playing with these now-year-old cards in the months to come!
Shattered Perceptions
Quintorius Spirit Revival
April 29, 2021
9 min to read
Get a Lorehold of this recursive spirits Commander deck that promises to lower the power level at the table just by showing up.
Legion's Landing
CommandFest Online Recap: It’s What We All Needed
August 24, 2020
9 min to read
Our very own Kristen got to attend CommandFest—here’s what she thinks.
Legion's Landing
Bolstering Boros: Advanced Winota-ing
July 20, 2020
10 min to read
Take a Chance for Glory with Winota in Commander.
Legion's Landing
Bolstering Boros: Building Winota, Joiner of Forces
April 20, 2020
12 min to read
The new Boros general is here to make your attack steps even better!
Legion's Landing
Akiri x Bruse: The Art of Playing Winter Orb in Boros Voltron
March 2, 2020
12 min to read
Boros Voltron in EDH featuring mana denial.
Legion's Landing
Commander Primer: Boros
December 9, 2019
12 min to read
Kristen drops in to take up the flag for Boros in the latest Commander Primer.
Shattered Perceptions
We Need a Weatherlight Hero
September 27, 2019
7 min to read
Ryan builds a Boros deck!
Mirror Gallery
Mirror Gallery: Interview with Justyna Gil
September 16, 2019
9 min to read
Polish fantasy artist Justyna Gil shares her love for Aurelia.