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Shattered Perceptions
What Hitherto Harmed Us All: Eldrazi Winter
July 20, 2023
8 min to read
Ryan takes a look back at Eldrazi Winter, a defining era for Modern. Fast mana, big monsters, and a lasting impact for a young format.
Casual Black Magic
Could Orcish Bowmasters Get Banned in Commander?
June 16, 2023
8 min to read
It’s one of the most talked-about cards of spoiler season, and Sam has some thoughts on its future in Commander.
Drawing Live
The Path Forward
October 14, 2020
5 min to read
Standard is in a problematic position, but within that problem may lie Standard’s salvation.
Drawing Live
Bans Beget More Bans
August 4, 2020
8 min to read
Standard quietly hit a grim milestone: the most cards banned ever.
Drawing Live
Magic’s New Normal: Four Bans a Year
June 2, 2020
9 min to read
Four Standard bannings a year is somehow the new normal. How did we get here, and what can we expect going forward?
Hope Eternal
Early Post-Ban Reflections
May 12, 2017
2 min to read
Kate reflects on changes to the Legacy format since the ban.
Drawing Live
A Dangerous Standard Looms
February 21, 2017
4 min to read
Standard is out of the frying pan but potentially heading straight for the fire. Amonkhet looms large, and with it, there may come more bannings.
Hope Eternal
Legacy for All
January 13, 2017
4 min to read
This week Kate talks about how to make Legacy accessible for yourself.
Drawing Live
Starting the Year off with a Ban(g)
January 10, 2017
5 min to read
Standard and Modern bannings?! What a way to kick off 2017, and after such a lousy 2016! It’s fine, folks – this is all normal, believe it or not.
Drawing Live
No More Modern, Again
April 26, 2016
5 min to read
Two years ago, they tried and failed to remove the Modern Pro Tour. Will the decision stick this time?
Modern Institute of Technology
Previewing the Modern Bannings
March 23, 2016
3 min to read
This week we check-in with our spies at Wizards of the Coast who may have secured a secret document previewing the SOI Modern bannings.