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banned and restricted
Rebalancing the Way Wizards Bans Cards with Digital Errata
October 18, 2021
8 min to read
Magic has its first digital-only card rebalancing. What does it mean for the future?
Breaking News
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Banned in Commander
September 13, 2021
3 min to read
The Rules Committee said that Golos was negatively impacting format diversity. They also unbanned Worldfire.
Breaking News
Thassa’s Oracle Banned in Historic
May 19, 2021
4 min to read
The interaction between Thassa’s Oracle and Tainted Pact proved too powerful for the Historic format.
Breaking News
Cascade Rules Changed to Prevent Tibalt-Related Shenanigans
February 15, 2021
4 min to read
Players had been cascading into Valki, God of Lies and then choosing to cast the much more expensive Tibalt, Cosmic Imposter.
Breaking News
Wizards Shakes Up Modern With Massive Ban Announcement
February 15, 2021
5 min to read
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath, Field of the Dead, Mystic Sanctuary, Simian Spirit Guide, and Tibalt’s Trickery were all banned.
Breaking News
New Pioneer Bans Address “Overbearing and Unfun” Combos and Cards
February 15, 2021
5 min to read
Balustrade Spy, Undercity Informer, Teferi, Time Raveler, Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath, and Wilderness Reclamation were all banned.
Breaking News
Oko, Astrolabe, and Dreadhorde Arcanist Banned in Legacy
February 15, 2021
5 min to read
Wizards said that these bans are the result of community feedback rather than on the power level or impact of the cards in the format.
Breaking News
Lurrus of the Dream-Den Unbanned in Vintage
February 15, 2021
3 min to read
Lurrus was originally banned last year before the companion rule was changed to require three additional mana.
Breaking News
Uro and Omnath Banned in Historic
February 15, 2021
4 min to read
Omnath was suspended last year, while Uro is skipping the suspended list and will be banned immediately.
Breaking News
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath Banned in Pioneer, Modern, and Historic
February 15, 2021
2 min to read
Wizards previewed the ban last week in a Secret Lair drop announcement.
Breaking News
Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath to be Banned in Pioneer, Modern, and Historic
February 10, 2021
2 min to read
The official B&R update has not been finalized and Wizards is still considering banning the card in Legacy, as well.