Tagged in
Ban List
Lowry Muses
Reviewing the Modern Banlist
November 3, 2023
4 min to read
Lowry has a look at the Modern ban list, and wonders what might be able to depart it.
Shattered Perceptions
What Hitherto Harmed Us All: Eldrazi Winter
July 20, 2023
8 min to read
Ryan takes a look back at Eldrazi Winter, a defining era for Modern. Fast mana, big monsters, and a lasting impact for a young format.
Shattered Perceptions
The Ban Plays On
July 31, 2020
9 min to read
Ryan looks at the Commander Ban List. What’s worth re-evaluating, and what’s going to be stuck in the Oubliette forever?
Grinding It Out
Now What Do I Play in Modern?
January 23, 2019
4 min to read
Ally has some answers.
Hope Eternal
Modern Ban List Votes
March 2, 2018
3 min to read
Kate reports on the results from her survey of what people wanted to see banned or unbanned in Modern.
Hope Eternal
Does Anyone Like the Modern Ban List?
February 9, 2018
2 min to read
Kate asks whether it is time to unban some cards in Modern.
Hope Eternal
Not a Miracle
April 28, 2017
4 min to read
This week Kate discusses her feelings on the Top ban and how she thinks it will impact Legacy and the Miracles deck.
Bringing to Light
Ending Eldrazi Winter
March 11, 2016
5 min to read
Lexie examines potential changes to the Modern ban list to end Eldrazi Winter.
Bringing to Light
Removing 8th and 9th Edition from Modern
December 21, 2015
4 min to read
This week, Lexie talks about why banning 8th and 9th Edition from Modern would be good for the format.
Silence, Exile, and Cunning
It’s Time to Unban Bloodbraid Elf
December 18, 2015
4 min to read
Derek continues our B&R announcement predictions before the Pro Tour. It’s time to unban Bloodbraid Elf.
Silence, Exile, and Cunning
Stoneforge Mystic and Modern
December 11, 2015
6 min to read
Recently the community went into hysteria over whether Stoneforge Mystic will see an unbanning in the Modern format. But will it happen?