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Drawing Live
Modern Control, As Foretold
April 11, 2017
5 min to read
As Foretold, combined with Ancestral Vision, might be one of the most exciting things to happen to Modern blue decks in a long while. Zach breaks down all you need to know about the new, mythic enchantment.
None Shall Pass Bombs
Amonkhet Limited Mechanics, Part I
April 5, 2017
6 min to read
Carrie breaks down the new Amonkhet mechanics and how they will influence Limited in both sealed and draft. Part I talks embalm, exert, and cycling!
Drawing Live
Design of a Card: Hazoret the Fervent
April 4, 2017
5 min to read
Gods are back, and they’re both very different and very familiar from Theros. Zach breaks down the design of our first new god, Hazoret the Fervent.
Scry Five
A First Glimpse of Amonkhet
March 31, 2017
5 min to read
Like a Gravedigger harvesting a corpse, Beck is mining the early spoilers, searching for hints about what’s waiting for us on Amonkhet!
Hope Eternal
Point Counterpoint—Invocations
March 31, 2017
5 min to read
The new Amonkhet Invocations are stirring up controversy among the Magic player base. Kate and Rich debate the big issues.
Zero to Thirty
The Hundred Dollar Bill
March 30, 2017
3 min to read
Anthony has some strong words for the gaming community: throw away that hundred dollar bill if you don’t want it, but stop insulting others for being happy they got one too.
Scry Five
Five Story and Flavor Predictions for Amonkhet
March 17, 2017
7 min to read
Will Liliana kill one of her demonic masters? Are we getting new gods? Beck is back with more Amonkhet predictions!
Scry Five
Five Planeswalkers for Amonkhet
March 3, 2017
6 min to read
Beck Holden looks at some planeswalkers we may see in Amonkhet.
Drawing Live
A Dangerous Standard Looms
February 21, 2017
4 min to read
Standard is out of the frying pan but potentially heading straight for the fire. Amonkhet looms large, and with it, there may come more bannings.
What We Learned
Double the Bannings, Double the Fun
January 16, 2017
4 min to read
Rich talks about the impact of doubling the number of bannings that take place each year
What We Learned
Yet Another Leak to Patch for Wizards of the Coast
December 12, 2016
4 min to read
Some marketing mock-up packaging images were part of a leak in the latest annoyance for Wizards of the Coast.