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52 in 52
52 in 52
The Monsters of Magic
June 19, 2016
5 min to read
This week Rich reviews the Magic story anthology, Monsters of Magic.
52 in 52
The Myths of Magic
June 12, 2016
6 min to read
This week we continue our weekly book review series as Rich picks back up with the Magic Anthology series with The Myths of Magic
52 in 52
The Purifying Fire
June 6, 2016
4 min to read
This week we review The Purifying Fire, which one might consider a very early prequel of sorts to Oath of the Gatewatch as it features Chandra as the hero and a supporting cast that includes Gideon and Jace.
52 in 52
The Eternal Ice
May 29, 2016
5 min to read
Rich continues his 52 in 52 series, reviewing The Eternal Ice by Jeff Grubb.
52 in 52
The Gathering Dark
May 15, 2016
4 min to read
This week we travel back to The Dark to learn more about the peril that befell Dominaria between the end of the Brothers War and the founding of the Tolarian Academy.
52 in 52
The Colors of Magic
May 8, 2016
5 min to read
This week we read The Colors of Magic, an anthology of short stories from around Dominaria in the wake of the war between Urza and Mishra
52 in 52
April 17, 2016
5 min to read
This week we continue our 52 in 52 series with the aftermath of the Brothers War and Urza’s adolescent years as a planeswalker as he challenges Phyrexia for the first time.
52 in 52
The Brothers War
April 10, 2016
7 min to read
This week for 52 in 52, Rich reviews The Brothers’ War.
52 in 52
The Thran
April 3, 2016
8 min to read
This week we review The Thran in which we learn the origins of Yawgmoth and Phyrexia in our prologue to the story of Urza Planeswalker
52 in 52
Dark Legacy
March 27, 2016
7 min to read
Welcome to our 2016 52 in 52 series. This year I will be reading 52 Magic: the Gathering novels spanning […]
52 in 52
And Peace Shall Sleep
March 20, 2016
4 min to read
This week we learn all about the decline of the Sarpadian Empires in the novel “And Peace Shall Sleep” by Sonia Orin Lyris