Scrub Report
Flying to Melbourne
June 12, 2015
5 min to read
Scrub Reporter Kairi details the tough process of learning the game as she heads toward a new life in Australia.
Hipsters and Scrubs Talk Grand Prix Tips!
May 29, 2015
3 min to read
With GP Vegas 2015 looming, Giaco cobbles together advice from his fellow Hipsters and from previous Scrub Reporters to give you all the sweet Grand Prix tips you need!
I’m Bad at Games. Can Game Theory Help?
May 22, 2015
3 min to read
In which Giaco tries to use game theory to make him a better player… and in the process misunderstands the definition of game theory.
Call for Writers!
May 15, 2015
1 min to read
Are you new to MTG? Do you know someone who’s new to the game? Come write for us!
The Scrub Report—Getting (Kind of) Serious on a Budget
May 8, 2015
4 min to read
Our newest Scrub Reporter Tyson details the trials and tribulations of building Tier 1 on a recent grad’s budget.
The Scrub Report—Tiny Leaders, Big Dreams
April 24, 2015
4 min to read
Hipsters’ newest scrub tries his hand at the hottest singleton format out there: Tiny Leaders!
The Scrub Report—Reports From the North Part 2
April 17, 2015
4 min to read
Scrub Reporter Tyson made some mistakes.
The Scrub Report—Reports From the North Part 1
April 10, 2015
4 min to read
This week we join a new Scrub Reporter, Tyson Leonard, as he details getting into magic as a way to make friends in the cold, harsh northern lands of Canada.
The Scrub Report—We Want You
March 27, 2015
1 min to read
We’re always on the hunt for great writers who are new to the game! Do you have what it takes to be our newest Scrub?
The Scrub Report—Altered Ways to Break the Ice
March 20, 2015
5 min to read
On her final week as a rotating Scrub Reporter, Ashlee explains how altering MTG cards helped her break the ice at her LGS.
The Scrub Report—Pre-Release Tips for Beginners
March 13, 2015
4 min to read
Guest Scrub Reporter Ashlee gives newcomers to the game a breakdown on how to approach a Pre-Release.