Game designers tend to respond much better to problems than to solutions, even when the solutions seem obvious.
Jerry and Pat take it easy this week and browse over some of the newest spicy lists showing up in the Leagues.
The painting is full of details, like a dragon’s body comprised of praying hands.
Keep the table guessing about your deck’s path to victory with this deceptive take on an old favorite, Doran, the Siege Tower.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
The two pieces make up the front and the back sides of a new saga card from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.
Inspired by the first meeting between Kaito and the Futurist Katsumasa in Neon Dynasty, the goblins discuss how technology has changed their jobs.
How many designs can you name that led to Mnemonic Sphere? There are plenty more than just Courier’s Capsule.
The piece is an “after sketch” created after the original digital artwork was completed.
Free time is a precious resource we love to spend drafting Magic and dying in Elden Ring.
One of Magic’s newest artists made a splash on the original Magic art auction scene.
Jerry sits down with Alex Tash to talk about starting up a local Legacy scene.