CommandFests Return with 16 Events Throughout the World in Summer 2022

The 16 events will be spread across Magic’s four regions: seven in North America, three in South America, three in Europe, and three in Asia/Pacific.

New “Explorer” Format Will Bring Pioneer to MTG Arena…Eventually

Explorer is available to play on MTG Arena starting today and will eventually evolve into Pioneer over the course of the next few years.

Secret Layers: April 2022 Super Drop

The latest Secret Lair Super Drop features a diverse cross-section of what Magic: The Gathering art can be.

Exploring Elden Ring’s Appeal

Elden Ring is the Zelda of Dark Souls. No, seriously.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Notes on Commander as “Camp”

In Commander, winning matters less than the social experience.

Wizards is Raising Most Booster Pack Prices by 11% in July

Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters for premiere sets—as well as Bundles and JumpStart boosters—will have their prices raised by around 11%.

Magic: The Gathering Revenue Grew 7% in Q1 2022, Led by Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty generated $100 million in revenue and is one of the Top 3 best-selling Magic sets ever.

Cracking Casualty

How often will Casualty be worth sacrificing a creature, and just how playable are its spells if you’re not?

Announcing the cARBORd Day Fundraiser!

Donated artist proofs, playmats, and prints will be sold to benefit the Arbor Day Foundation for Arbor Day 2022.

The Balance Problems Of Guilty Gear Strive

The top tiers are too good at what they do.

Apes Strong Together

Jerry is joined by fellow Sneak and Show player Brian Northrup to talk about Brian’s recent Top 4 result.