Modern Masters Keywords and Instants

Modern Masters is finally out! This article will focus on its keywords, instants, and flash creatures, to help prepare you for GP Vegas.

Last-Minute Notes

Faeries are great. Goblins are great. Blue is the best color and green is the worst. , , . Vegas […]

The Process Changes the Product

I’ve been super excited about my idea for a five-color Commander deck that made best use of Maze’s End. So I set out to make it, and have come very close to succeeding in my endeavor.

Flashback Draft: Invasion

Last year I vowed to draft every format in Magic. This is the first in a new series called Flashback Draft, where I will revisit Limited formats of ages past.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

160th at the Poughkeepsie PTQ with Jund or The Wrong Deck on the Wrong Day

Bed came early Friday night. I didn’t go to team Modern Masters sealed practice. I didn’t go to FNM. I […]

Two Scoops (June 17)

This week Rich takes a look at a recent community discussion about conceding (scooping) to your opponent in an important round of a tournament and the dilemma posed when asking for or asked for a concession. As always Rich also runs through last week’s community news, reviews the latest Wallpaper of the Week, and looks to the coming seven days.

Read the Cards: A Modern Masters Tale

I don’t think there’s anyone more pumped for Modern Masters Limited than I am. Seriously, ever since I won that […]

Breaking the Two-Bye Barrier at Grand Prix Providence

The team format, fixed seating, and VIP bottle service (J/K!) made GP Providence even better.

The Scrub Report—Giaco’s Modern Life

Dear Modern Masters, I’m sorry I was so apprehensive of you! I know I call myself a scrub and a bad player, but I’m glad I dove in and drafted.

There’s No “I” in Team

Last week, I headed up to Providence to play in the team Grand Prix. My plan to scrub out and play in Legacy side events didn’t go quite as planned.

First Impressions of Modern Masters Limited

Li Xu had a blast playing Modern Masters Limited this weekend, and shares his thoughts on the format.