GP Vegas: Scoop Phase

Nicholas Forker guests for Hipsters of the Coast on his trippy experience at Grand Prix V

The Many T-Shirts of GP Las Vegas

Cool T-shirts everywhere! I love Magic events because these folks know how to find their shirts, man.

Modern Masters 64-Person Draft

Last week, I played in a Modern Masters 64-person draft. I came in second place, but more importantly, I had learned and had fun!

The Salable Cube

Someone said recently that Modern Masters plays out like Pauper Cube with bombs. Having finally gotten a chance to play the format, I can’t say I disagree.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Grand Prix Vegas Nightmare Friday (#GPVegas Part One)

An hour and a half after I got into a black car (what our non-yellow cabs are called in NYC) […]

Luck be a Lady (June 24)

This week Rich takes a look at what went into the creation of an event as large as GP Las Vegas. We also get plenty of fan-fiction in the links and find out that vomit makes for bad wallpaper.

Zac Clark’s Limited Playlist

Situation Aware! Rush for a change of atmosphere! Vegas has been all I’ve been talking about over the last 5 […]

Crashing and Burning in Modern Masters

I haven’t played much Modern Masters in the run-up to GP Vegas—but what I have played (Tarmogoyfs aside) hasn’t gone so hot.

The Scrub Report—How to Pack for GP Vegas

I can firmly say I have sufficiently prepped—er, packed—for GP Vegas, and I’m going to show you how I did it.

Only Built 4 Cubin’ Lynx—Listless No More

After my introductory article last week, many readers were asking to see my Cube list. Ask and ye shall recieve my dear readers!

Reconstructing Deathblade

If you’ve been paying any attention to the Legacy format over the last month, you know about this newfangled Deathblade thing that’s ALL the rage.