*487th* at Grand Prix Montreal

Hunter sucked it up at GP Montreal—but he had a ton of fun. How would you have built his sealed pool?

Five Things Not to Do at Major MTG Events

Tony waxes poetic about MTG tournaments and social skills.

High-Impact MOCS Promos

Tim breaks down how upcoming MOCS promos might make it easier for more people to get into the greatest format in the world.

GP Montreal, Part One *48th*

Carrie reports from Grand Prix Montreal, where she finished in 48th place!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

More Twin Testing, Sibling Rivalry, and Skred Red

Shawn continues running the Modern gauntlet with UWR Twin. Will infinite Resto Angels seal the deal or will his brother’s deck Blood Moon him out of the game?

Richmond Wisdom

Zach finishes his GP Richmond report, with final thanks, a decklist, and the tale of ‘bolt my own Geist.’

Ignoble Hierarchies

Jess talks about “Crackgate” and those things that make us cruel.

X-3 at GP Richmond

Matt brings his Bogles to Richmond and shares their adventure at the largest constructed Grand Prix in recorded history.


Grand Prix Richmond should have been the crown jewel of the 2014 GP Circuit. Instead it was marred by a bullying and shaming scandal.

Grand Prix Good Times

What a weekend! So much fun. Great games, good times with friends, laughs, bad beats amazing top decks, you know, a Grand Prix.

The Harder They Come

Hunter confronts a mild case of burnout ahead of Grand Prix Montreal this weekend.