Magic: The Hawaii-ing

Hunter goes on honeymoon with his wife (!) and gets all jazzed about real world–inspired Magic sets.

What’s With All the Sighs, Raphael?

Matt continues his existential quest for content and value through art and Magic.

How to Draft Journey into Nyx

Still figuring out how to draft Journey into Nyx? Zach breaks down how the format’s changed and each color.

Pro Tour Journey into Nyx

The second Pro Tour of the year, following the release of Journey into Nyx, is now in the books. Take a look at the big winners and losers from a weekend of elite-level Magic in Atlanta.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Three Can Keep a Secret, If Two Are Dead

Jess is super excited for Conspiracy, and thinks she’s figured out what the legends are going to be.

Developments in Durdling—Scrying for a Change

I hated (and really Hate is not a strong enough word) Born of the Gods draft. Like to the point […]

Wizards Sues Cryptozoic

The gaming world was a bit stunned this week when Wizards of the Coast filed a complaint against Cryptozoic for their game Hex: Shards of Fate, claiming copyright, patent, and trade dress infringement.


Tony packs for Europe and reminisces on his old Magic cards.

The Blur of Journey into Nyx and Top 5 Illustrations

Matt checks out the art of Nyx and lovingly comments on it.

March of the Budget Modern Decks

Evil Tim will teach you that you don’t need to break the bank to get into Modern, thanks to the new Event Deck!

Five First Picks

Carrie lists five first-pickable uncommons in Journey draft that you might have overlooked.