Jones travels to Philly with Bones and Clark to eat a sandwich.

A Conspiracy Grows in Brooklyn

This week we traveled to our local game store to see Conspiracy in action. Does the experience live up to the hype?

American Gifts Redux

Zac “Durdle Magus” Clark is upto his old trick once more just in time for Modern PTQ Season.

Again and Again

Tony returns from traveling and confronts the demons of jet lag, sleepiness, and forgetting how to draft a real deck.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Journey Into Nyx Deck Pics

Hunter finally goes deep on Journey Into Nyx, drafting a bunch of fun brews on Magic Online.

Week Two

It was a rough week for Modern Hero as three Birthing Pod decks highlighted the challenges of the deck’s sideboard. Come read about our first sub-.500 week.

Melira Pod Primer Update

Rob Pompa returns to give his updated take on Melira Pod, heading into Modern season!

PTQ on Ice

Carrie tries to stay cool on the ice during the final PTQs of the limited season.

How Has Magic: The Gathering Influenced Your Life?

Ever stop to think about how Magic has changed your life? Well you are not alone.

Sell My Old Cards, I’m Off to Heaven

Shawn is selling his Legacy deck even though he thinks it’s a bad idea financially. Read on to find out why.

PTQ Doubleheader *Top 8*

In which prodigal Hipster Hugh top 8’s one of a pair of PTQs at the fabulous West Nyack mall.