This week we take a look at the newly re-designed Daily MTG website.
Zac Takes Gifts Ungiven to the City of Brotherly Love.
Come check in with this week’s edition of Modern Hero, in which we interview the deck’s designer, Ben Hayes, and then proceed to have our first winning week! Coincidence?
Hunter continues exploring the strange and unfamiliar world of 60 cards as he preps for the Pro Tour.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Shawn forces himself to stay open and not play storm in a Vintage Masters Draft. Stay tuned for a totally reasonable Draft.
Evil Tim checks in from vacation to talk up his new favorite wedge
Carrie shares some winning Theros block draft decks that don’t have green cards.
Monique addresses low self-esteem in Magic.
Hipsters welcomes new writer Derek Gallen, as he recounts his journey back to Magic: The Gathering after ten years away.
Zach’s back with even more Conspiracy strategy, and this time he even won!
Jess breaks down a surprisingly powerful Tymaret, the Murder King Commander deck, based off a M14 draft archetype.