Vintage Masters Draft Video

Shawn forces himself to stay open and not play storm in a Vintage Masters Draft. Stay tuned for a totally reasonable Draft.

BUG is King

Evil Tim checks in from vacation to talk up his new favorite wedge

Adventures in Journey Drafting

Carrie shares some winning Theros block draft decks that don’t have green cards.

Stop Being So Damn Hard On Yourself!

Monique addresses low self-esteem in Magic.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Beginning Again

Hipsters welcomes new writer Derek Gallen, as he recounts his journey back to Magic: The Gathering after ten years away.

Conspiring a Win

Zach’s back with even more Conspiracy strategy, and this time he even won!


Jess breaks down a surprisingly powerful Tymaret, the Murder King Commander deck, based off a M14 draft archetype.

A Knight of Capashen

Jones spilled paint on a Capashen Knight. He then studied it, drew it, and writes about it as an art object.

Foil Vintage Masters Black Lotus

Ever wonder how much money a hypothetical foil Black Lotus would cost? Thanks to Vintage Masters we now have the answer!

In Transit

As Tony prepares to go abroad again, he reflects on Magic, nostalgia, and travel.

Going Over to the Dark Side

It’s time to get ready for the Pro Tour! Hunter invests in Standard’s tier one decks on Magic Online.