Zac Clark shares his hard earned tricks from 3 PTQs in a row. From helpful secrets to things that should be obvious!
Inspired by “Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould,” Hunter takes a crack at capturing life on the Grand Prix circuit.
This week we learn more about some of our worst matchups as Modern Hero attempts to put up more winning results.
Evil Tim takes his Dack project for a test drive through a Daily.
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Carrie shares some moments from Grand Prix DC.
Derek takes “Angel Pod” for a spin at Tuesday-night Modern, and digs on Athreos, God of Passage in the board.
Shawn forces RW Slide in Vintage Masters and never sees Astral Slide or Lightning Rift. Can this draft be salvaged? Watch to find out.
Join us as we make foolish predictions about M15 cards we’ve never played with!
Zach’s not been playing Magic, but not by choice. Here’s what it’s like watching from the sidelines when you’re too busy to play.
Jess is (quite reasonably) pissed that M15 decided to hand out designer credits only to men, and over 95% white men at that.
This week we take a look at the first week of spoilers for Magic 2015 and talk about the upcoming prerelease experience.