Aggressively Mining Magic 2015

Hunter goes 10-1 on the M15 prerelease weekend with Jund Monsters, red draw-sevens, and a tough-to-deal-with guardian angel.

Understand the Stream Is Over

Last night was the last stream Tim will get to host on our beloved Windows-98-looking V3 of MTGO. With that in mind, here’s one last set of stream recaps.

Farewell MTGO v3

Carrie says goodbye to MTGO version 3 with two sweet draft decks, one Vintage Masters and one Theros.

The Modern Condition

Shawn discusses a few “unfair” decks to potentially play at GP Worcester/Boston.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Coffin Maker

How does Derek love Shriekmaw in Modern? Let him count the ways.

Cobra Commander

Jess has come around on Pharika, God of Affliction, and wants to tell you about her Cobra Commander.


It may be time to sideline Geist of Saint Traft and move on to less blue pastures. Zach’s here to tell you why.

Magic 2015 Prerelease

This weekend we took a brief detour from family vacation to hit up a Magic 2015 midnight prerelease.

GPDC Part Two: Tusk

Jones blasts through the thrilling second half of day one at GPDC playing Standard GW and Modern Affinity. Did he make it to Hooters? Read on, brave reader.

Stories from the PTQ scene

Zac brings up a couple of things to look out for at PTQs and events in general.

10 First-Pick Commons in Magic 2015

Hunter provides some pack-one, pick-one guidance for those fresh Core Set packs you’re about to crack.