Carrie explains how M15 draft is not as fast as people originally thought.
In which Derek bids a less-than-fond farewell to everyone’s favorite X spell.
Shawn plays through a M15 draft online for the first time with the new client.
Jess talks about Guardians of the Galaxy, Magic 2015, GP Boston/Worcester, and casual Saturdays. That’s so Commander!
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Next year’s Pro Tours will all be Standard. Here’s the argument for keeping the Modern Pro Tour.
The big news coming out of Pro Tour M15 was the release of the 2015 competitive schedule. We break down everything you need to know.
Matt takes us on a journey through his #GPBOSTON experience and a new Magic related addiction.
Zac Clark has his own opinions on the NEW PATH TO THE PTQ
In the final installment of Modern Hero we recap our experience taking the modified modern event deck to Grand Prix Boston-Worcester.
By the time you read this, I’ll be dead—for Top 8, that is.
Evil Tim has been white hot (relatively speaking) on the Grand Prix circuit, lately. Can he keep it going?