RIP, Three-Set Magic Blocks

Alas, poor three-set blocks! I knew them, Maro; sets of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!

The Other Black Deck

Introducing Hipsters’ newest author, Portland’s Gabe Carleton-Barnes, and his 20 reasons to play Mono-Black Aggro!

The Legacy Meta: 2014 Third Quarter Review

How’d each of the various Legacy archetypes do, compared to last quarter? Tim has the numbers for you!

Deck, Interrupted

Carrie is feeling a disconnect from MTGO.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Map of Every “Dewey” PTQ

This week we are happy to present a map of every PTQ for Pro Tour “Dewey”

A Spike’s Wellness Primer

Derek applies systems he has studied over the past decade towards improving your EV at Grand Prix and PTQs.

M15 Draft #3 (Video)

Shawn passes Triplicate Spirits and first picks Sliver Hive. Can he amass a winning record with a sliver army? Watch to find out.

Let’s Build a Deck!

Jess exorcises a Commander deck idea, walking through her attempt to tackle a RUG self-mill deck focused on instants and sorceries.

Khans of Tarkir Set Review

The Internet’s first Khans of Tarkir set review.

Trouble in Tarmo Town

Matt runs through his last week in MTG, including a Modern PTQ, and eventually switching Tarmo teams.

That Vintage Feel

Zac is thinking Vintage!