Team Draft League Semi-Finals

Matt tells the story of the Team Draft League M15 semi-finals match between the Mobliterators and Spice Thyme.

Draftathon! (feat. OG Ravnica block)

Last weekend Hunter hosted a draftathon at a long-disused Magic venue: his fifth-floor walkup apartment in Brooklyn.

Community Stein

GCB nominates his own Community Cup competitors, and he has good goddamn reasons.

Grand Prix Salt Lake City

Carrie reports from Grand Prix Salt Lake City.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Spoiler Season!—Khans of Tarkir

Join the Hipsters as we make foolish predictions about the new spoilers from Khans of Tarkir!

It Begins With Courser

Where does standard go from here?

Vacation Vocation/PAX Prime

Zach’s back from vacation and PAX Prime. He met some very, very special people (who make Magic!).

The Wedge Revue, Part One

Jess takes us on part one of a look back at the past wedge commanders, putting the khans of Khans of Tarkir into khan-text.

Two Block Paradigm

The world is changing. The three-block design model is coming to an end as the two-block paradigm has been announced.

I Like to Draw

Matt draws his way through a second viewing of the Maria Lassnig exhibition and writes a hidden story.

Love for a Lame Duck Format

M15 draft may be on its way out, but Hunter is still finding plenty to keep him interested.