I Feel Like a Powerful Kung-Fu Wizard!

Hunter recounts a super-fun Jeskai Khans of Tarkir draft, and defines what it means to be a Magic “madman.”

Discipline Your Mana

GCB takes you through his formula for choosing lands in Limited, using the decks that took him to a 5-1 draft record at Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir.

Legacy in the Post-Delve World

Tim gives you a tour of the new archetypes to emerge in the early stages of one of the biggest Legacy shifts ever

Control Is a Thing

Duncan explores U/B Control, featuring Pearl Lake Ancient, just in time for Game Day!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Grand Prix Orlando, Part Two

Carrie reports from the day two draft tables at Grand Prix Orlando.

UW Heroic

Shawn runs a Theros-centric UW Heroic deck through a local Standard tournament. Will he Defiantly Strike out or find favor with the gods? Read on to find out.

Breaking Bad Habits

What the hell is going on with my Limited game? How do I keep messing it up?

On Justice and Gastergort

Jess talks about the anti-social justice movement sweeping through our sister communities, and hopes it stays out of the Magic playground.

Pool + Player = Record

Guest author Michael Scovazzo on how tournament metadata—length, level of competition, round number, opponent, and more—should factor into your sealed deckbuilding and sideboarding choices.

Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir Roundup

This week we recap all of the action from this past weekend’s Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir

Khans 4Eva

Matt has a conversation with a Magic card or maybe a real person about brunch and Khans.